Number Theory


Number Theory

What’s to theorize

about numbers?

For 1 is 1,

and 2 is 2,

not to mention 3,

and the rest 

of the Counting Numbers,

each one being 

‘more than equal ‘ 

- an absolute Identity.

Yet 1, 

is any Polynomial

reducible to Unum...

...and there’s no such thing

as equality,

as any Engineer will tell you.

So it seems numbers,

unlike Geometry,

are often 

real world folly -

for what do

1 spaceship and 1 primate

have in common?

...certainly not Numerical Identity,

nor even real equality.


with its relative proportions,

seems more certain

 than the nominatives we called numbers - 

whose meanings are 

‘mere assignments’ 

of 1 to 1 Correspondence.

Gus More © 2021

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