Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Cryptocurrency Exchanges Cryptocurrencies are no longer the ‘get-rich-quick’ opportunities they once were . With a Total Market Capitalization of 1.57 Trillion Dollars, it’s no longer young tech geniuses and kids at play. The Cryptocurrency Exchanges are now controlled by Foreign Market Currency Exchange Trading Houses with teams of traders, programming algorithms, and watching in real time, in case they need to manually ‘tip-the-scales’ on the margins. Using gambling machines’ Classical Conditioning Psychology Algorithms to bait retail consumers into ‘playing’ their Crypto-Investments gambling games, and owning and controlling their own 'Liquidity Pools' from which to choose for executing your trade to maximize their arbitrage - you’re sure to lose. The less your initial ‘assets available for investing’ information, the faster you’ll lose; The larger your initial ‘assets available for investing’ information, the more hope you’ll get if, by chance,...