Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Cryptocurrency Exchanges
are no longer
the ‘get-rich-quick’
they once were.
With a Total Market Capitalization
1.57 Trillion Dollars,
it’s no longer
young tech geniuses
kids at play.
The Cryptocurrency Exchanges
are now controlled by
Foreign Market Currency Exchange Trading Houses
with teams of traders,
programming algorithms,
and watching in real time,
in case they need to manually
‘tip-the-scales’ on the margins.
Using gambling machines’
Classical Conditioning Psychology Algorithms
to bait retail consumers
into ‘playing’ their
Crypto-Investments gambling games,
and owning and controlling their own 'Liquidity Pools'
from which to choose for executing your trade
to maximize their arbitrage
- you’re sure to lose.
The less your initial ‘assets available for investing’ information,
the faster you’ll lose;
The larger your initial ‘assets available for investing’ information,
the more hope you’ll get
if, by chance,
your not with the majority of investors on the upside of the trend line.
Unlike the Stock Specialists did in the NYSE,
for which the SEC fined them on many occasions
as market manipulation violations,
Forex Market Traders’ equivalents in Crypto-Exchanges
are not regulated.
Gus More © May 27, 2022
All Rights Reserved
Reminder/Disclaimer: This is only a poem. It is for entertainment and amusement only. It is not investment advice, nor a declaration of complete and true knowledge of Crypto-Exchanges nor other Markets.