Profit Prophets
Profit Prophets
No longer humans
in human transactions,
High Frequency Trading Programs
of algorithmic fashion.
They’re leading Markets
using Futures’ Options
they’ve bought and sold
before and since
the year
Created by Computer Programmers
with high degrees
in Mathematics
from MIT and Stanford,
they’re taking losses on
Puts and Calls,
on behalf of Efficient Markets.
Replacing humans who once yelled out
‘buy and sell orders’
as ‘Specialists’
surrounded by Computer Monitors
while standing on
Trading Floor Platforms.
They’re paying the costs of doing business
as ‘Buyers and Sellers of Last Resort’
by making gains on a series of counter Options.
They’re using Micro-Interest Rates
nobody else has heard of,
to leverage
smaller and smaller
and faster and faster
- fractional transactions;
reducing Principle, Time, & Expected Return On Investment
thus controlling
‘current market swings’,
and Money’s Velocity.
Gus More @ 2021
All Rights Reserved
Reminder/Disclaimer: This is only a poem. It
is for entertainment and amusement only. It is not investment advice,
nor a declaration of complete and true knowledge of Stock Markets, Interest Rates, nor
other Investment or Institutions.
This poem synthesizes the nearly a year of business courses (4.0 GPA) I took in college, together with having read books like "The Wall Street Jungle" by Richard Ney that describes the roll of 'Stock Market Specialists'.