
A Portrait of Seattle's Pioneer Square

  The cobbled stone street carried rain into the gutter. Occasionally a wheel splashed some of it against the buildings. Drops that hadn’t found a crack slipped into the storm drain  and headed out to sea. “Bad weather doesn’t keep people off the streets in these parts.” commented a cabby to his fare just as the weather broke. A large plate glass window, retail shop marvel of the late 1800’s, refracted a neon sign’s light and mixed its message with the reflections of late afternoon. Inside, a restaurant, with a waiter  looking of a time when these surroundings were new. And yet, the years of weathering had fooled the average viewer into seeing him as they saw the street scene outside. However, despite his facial cracks,  that man was full of life. On inspired nights, he sang and played the accordion;  juggled glasses and bottles; and made up rhymes. “Fat fifths.” muddled a customer as a ferry boat blew a wall of sound from its whistle against the spectral explos...

ChatGPT very impressive, not Genius

  Yeah, I've seen some of ChatGPT writings. Although it is impressive and will replace a lot of general public level copywriting (and probably layoff a lot of those level writers), it still can't think of new ways of interpreting meaning. It relies on what has already been said, how it's been said, and the rules of grammar. It can't think of things like what I've written about, for example, the word "Empirical" not meaning "Based on Experience" as all the dictionaries and quotes say it means, rather I say that the word "Experiential" means "based on experience" and that "Empirical" is that subset of "Experiential" that is useful for building an Empire (clearly the root word of "Empirical" is "Empire"). Statistically "Empirical" is limited to 3 Standard Deviations from the Mean Average of a Statistical Distribution Curve; whereas "Experiential" includes those 3 Standar...

Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Cryptocurrency Exchanges Cryptocurrencies  are no longer the ‘get-rich-quick’ opportunities  they once were . With a Total Market Capitalization of 1.57 Trillion Dollars, it’s no longer young tech geniuses and kids at play. The Cryptocurrency Exchanges are now controlled by Foreign Market Currency Exchange Trading Houses with teams of traders, programming algorithms, and watching in real time, in case they need to manually ‘tip-the-scales’ on the margins. Using gambling machines’  Classical Conditioning Psychology Algorithms to bait retail consumers into ‘playing’ their Crypto-Investments gambling games, and owning and controlling their own 'Liquidity Pools' from which to choose for executing your trade to maximize their arbitrage - you’re sure to lose.   The less your initial ‘assets available for investing’ information, the faster you’ll lose; The larger your initial ‘assets available for investing’ information, the more hope you’ll get  if, by chance,...

Profit Prophets

  Profit Prophets No longer humans in human transactions, they’re High Frequency Trading Programs of algorithmic fashion. They’re leading Markets using Futures’ Options they’ve bought and sold before and since  the year  2000. Created by Computer Programmers with high degrees  in Mathematics  from MIT and Stanford , they’re taking losses on Puts and Calls, on behalf of Efficient Markets. Replacing humans who once yelled out ‘buy and sell orders’ as ‘Specialists’ surrounded by Computer Monitors while standing on  Trading Floor Platforms. They’re paying the costs of doing business as ‘Buyers and Sellers of Last Resort’ by making gains on a series of counter Options. They’re using Micro-Interest Rates nobody else has heard of, to leverage smaller and smaller  and faster and faster  - fractional transactions; reducing Principle, Time, & Expected Return On Investment  thus controlling  ‘current market swings’, and Money’s Velocity. Gus Mo...

Driving Along Ocean Drive

Driving Along Ocean Drive The sky is baby blue with big puffy white clouds being looked at by the crowds, big puffy white clouds; slightly blue like a Cadillac rolling along, rolling along, rolling along Ocean Drive. Smiling at the people, the driver waves laughing; Waves lapping - waves, waves, waves. A girl sitting on my legs with favored smiles -  raves, waves -  barely behaved waves; and sings out loud: “We’re driving along... Ocean Drive” © 2017 Gus More

Chinese Sentiment Poem

  易經 Chinese Sentiment Poem Change is slow, ...sorrow constant. Hope, like spice - is sprinkled throughout… Poem by Gus More © 2015 Inspired by a traditional Chinese musical composition. (Calligraphy, and Yin & Yang Symbol are not Gus More copyrights)

Morals, Ethics, and Non-Cognitivism

  Morals, Ethics, and Non-Cognitivism Ooo… Ah… Ha! Shhhh…  Coo… From guttural sounds came la, la, la and  A E I O U Then Alphabets from phonons, and little words too; then phrases, Epic Poems, Postgraduate Dissertations; and the latest News. Immense amounts of mental work and Social Selection causing Brain Evolution. Every word - an Ethical and Moral testimony, about life without Language. Non-cognitivism is proven wrong with every word, and every phrase, with every speech, and every praise; with every contract, with every poem, with every school and every song. Gus More © 2021 All rights reserved